The Unexplored Beauties of Tral

The sub district Tral of South Kashmir is about 35 kms away from the summer capital city Srinagar. Tral town is famous in many aspects of its own, even though small children know it’s name. It’s land is fertile both educationally as well as naturally. Tral

The sub district Tral of South Kashmir is about 35 kms away from the summer capital city Srinagar. Tral town is famous in many aspects of its own, even though small children know it’s name. It’s land is fertile both educationally as well as naturally. Tral town has always been in the limelight be it for some political reasons, educationally, militarily or for some lack of developmental reasons.

The beauty of Tral lies in the fact that it is a valley within a valley. There is no comparison in its natural beauty. The adventurous places in its beauty are second to none. It’s natural green pastures, meadows and mountains with dense forests are much more attractive for local visitors and tourists too. Ironically least attention has been given to these attractive places.

Here I am trying to elucidate the picturesque view of some of the most wonderful health resorts to the readers of this daily. Let people know about the natural beauty and uniqueness that brings solace to one’s heart while visiting.


Nagberan,Satoora Tral Kashmir…. – Jammu & Kashmir Society for Trekking and Environmental Preservation

One of the natural meadow of Tral is the Nagbearan standing at an elevation of about 3500 metres above sea level (ASL). It is a beautiful place having attractive landscape, lush green meadows, extravagant pastures, dense forests, pristine water stream running along its edge, snow clad mountains standing tall as if guarding the area with breeze.

This is situated to its east at a distance of about twenty kms from the main town. The road connectivity is upto the last village – Hajin also called ‘Upper Dachigam’ being a part of Dachigam National Park. The scenic beauty here is second to none. From Hajin, one has to trek pass the rare & diversified mountains to reach this wonder of nature. Along the way, the nomads can be seen busy in rearing their flocks and collecting of firewood. The best time to visit this place is in between June and September. During the remaining months it is covered with snow. The place compels for night stay as it gives a picturesque view of nature. Tents can be set up in the open sky, which is a unique experience.

The sky filled with visible galaxy of the little shining stars looks like a cover above our heads. Looking deep into it, one praises the nature itself. The calmness and the peace is an everlasting. This place is unique in its sense as it is a gateway to the long and vast area of meadows. This place is very close to the famous twin lakes of Tarsar and Marsar which are also unique in its nature, beauty, fresh and clean water.

The stream running along its edge originates from the Marsar lake. Every year people throng this place with zeal and zest to desolate themselves from the noisy and busy life in order to attatin tranquility and peace with solace into their hearts. The landscape is infact an untouched and unexplored piece of land. The Meadows are spread over a vast lush green area.

Irony of the fate is that despite being breathtaking, this does not find its place in the tourism map for its development. Very less number of people know about this place and this question will remain unanswered till this is not developed by the department of Tourism, government of J&K.


SHIKARGAH-The Beauty and Marvelous Art of Saree Weaving – Sacred Weaves

As the name in Urdu itself describes its meaning. Shikargah is an urdu word having its root words ‘shikar’ means ‘hunt’ and ‘ gah’ means ‘place’. So basically this is a historical place visited by the then Dogra ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh consequently for his fond of hunting and picnic purposes.

Situated on the south, about 17 kms from the newly established Toll Plaza, Kaichachkoot on Sgr- Jmu National Highway and some 3 kms from the main town Tral. The road is upto the destination which required its macdimazation. It is also a Wild Life Sanctuary for an endangered species, the Kashmiri Hangul. By this, it got a new name of ‘Hangul Breeding Conservation Centre’, Shikargah.

It is an incredibly spectacular place covered with mountains, full of pine and deodar trees. In its middle, is a small pond having chilling cold water. This unexplored place was used by Maharaja Hari Singh more often than not during his reign. He used to spend nights at this place. It is a parting line between districts of Pulwama and Anantnag.

On the top of this dense mountain, one can have a great view of district Anantnag on its other side especially of the famous shrine of Khirram (Bijbehara) which is situated just at the foot of this mountain. The importance of this place being a historic one signifies how it should have been managed as a tourist destination. People in general and locals in particular must shun the practice of polluting the tourist place like Shikargah. Like all other tourist spots of Tral, it is left on God’s mercy as nobody’s has shown their interest to it as it desires.


Touching the peak| Wasturwan

Tral, known for best forest area is covered by the tall and stunning mountains all around. One of its boundry towards north is guarded by the spectacular Wustoorwan hills, situated at an altitude of 3000 – 3200 metres ASL. The hill top of this mountain gives a pristine view of Tral on its one side and on other side is the town of Pampore and Srinagar city. The most breathtaking view is that of the Pirpanchal range, whose blushing snow tops seem to be touching the sky. The mountain top is a lush green meadow having a pond at its centre which adds to its exhuberance. It seems like a flat hat occupying the head.

The top can be accessed by a moderate trek of two to three hours. One can reach the top from Tral side as well as from Khrew side of tehsil Pampore. During night, the place gives a view of enchanting one. At dusk, the Sun in its orange colour can be seen while disappearing behind the horizon.The twinkling stars  and  the artificial lights Illuminating the town at night present an incredible view and soothes the mind.The nomads on its top always welcome you and usually offer some tea  which is worth gold after one gets tired from the trek


Aripal is another marvel

Aripal is another marvel of nature situated towards east of Tral. It possesses a big pond of fresh and cold water with Trout fish species much like that of veerinag. The pond is located under the foothills of long rocky mountain. There are many speculations about its origin but it is still a myth. The water comes out from a big rock which is a part of the mountain. The blue watered pond presents a beautiful view and is a site preferred by the photographers. Those who visit this place rejoice themselves by taking a bath in the cold and clear crystal water of this pond.

During the days of lockdown, a large number of local people have visited these places. The other places for nature loving people includes Doodhmarg, Nargistan, panner dam, Dilnag park Aabshar Park (Hari) etc. Those who have not been visited any of these beautiful natural places yet, must pay a visit and experience the pristine natural beauty of Tral.

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