Best Umrah Packages 2023 | Hajj Packages 2023 From INDIA


TRAVELINFOTECH.COM, one of the best travel agency, is part of Akbar Travels of India for Tours and Travels was established in 1978 to provide travel-related solutions in India & the Middle East. Akbar Travels of India for Tours and Travels headquartered in Mumbai the financial capital of India is the parent company for the Akbar Group – Middle East venture. With a turnover of more than 1.2 Billion dollars, Akbar Travels is one of the largest Travel Management companies in Asia. Since its inception in 2006 with the first office in the Emirate of Sharjah, Akbar Travels has grown tremendously with over 41+ locations across the Middle East, providing a One-stop-shop travel solution, that can cater to the travel requirements of all Corporate clients. With a comprehensive range of travel products, Akbar Travels aims at satisfying the most discerning corporate travelers having the most complicated and demanding travels schedules.
Out retail outlets combine business excellence with an entrepreneurial spirit to deliver travel products and services that are innovative and customer-centric. TRAVEL INFO TECH is the best travel agency for umrah not only in Indian cities like Hyderabad but also in Dubai, Riyadh and Qatar because of several factors, a major one being a highly qualified team of multi-national and multi-lingual travel professionals that helps understand every customer’s requirements. And with 24x7x365 service provided by an after office hours team, always ready to take your call and assist with any last-minute emergency.
TRAVEL INFO TECH is truly Your Reliable Umrah Partner.



P.O. No – 841226

About Umrah

A permit is required to do Umrah and can be readily obtained by scheduling an appointment through the TRAVELINFOTECH.COM.

Allahumma Labbayka Umrah, is a statement that every Muslim in the world has always desired to make.The Prophet, may peace and prayers be upon him,spoke of its characteristics as follows

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, made four Umrahs and one Hajj during his lifetime.Umrah entails performing tawaf,the Sa’ee between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, and a visit to the Kaaba.Anytime of the year is suitable for performing the umrah.

1 thought on “Best Umrah Packages 2023 | Hajj Packages 2023 From INDIA”

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